International Day Against DRM — May 4, 2012

While DRM has largely been defeated in downloaded music, it is a growing problem in the area of ebooks, where people have had their books restricted so they can't freely loan, re-sell or donate them, read them without being tracked, or move them to a new device without re-purchasing all of them. They've even had their ebooks deleted by companies without their permission. It continues to be a major issue in the area of movies and video too.

Join us in working to eliminate DRM!

People all over the world are going to be showing their opposition to DRM, and you can join them! Attend a local event and take part in the Day Against DRM on May 4th, 2012.

As well as attending or running events, you can join other activists in blogging about DRM, putting up banners on your Web sites and blogs, talking about DRM on your social networks and more. See below for an evolving list of all the different ways you can help raise awareness.

iTunes is DefectiveByDesign
Send us your pictures from previous events —

Please mark your calendars, and join the Day Against DRM mailing list for frequent updates between now and May 4th.

Matt, Josh, John and Richard
The DRM Elimination Crew

Things you can do today

Download materials

We've commissioned a poster for Day Against DRM 2012 from Brendan Mruk. You can use his image as the basis for your own posters, or download one of our example posters. We've also provided the SVG source for the posters, so you can make your own using Inkscape.

On the Day Against DRM

  1. Share links to Day Against DRM on your social networks.
  2. Attend an event. If there isn't one in your area, get one started!
  3. Tag defective products on Amazon. Amazon has 'tag forums' too, where the tags on products can be discussed.
  4. Write a blog post explaining the problems with DRM and why you won't buy anything infected with it.
  5. Write a letter to your local public library and school system, asking them to drop DRM.
  6. Make a video talking about the dangers of DRM and put it on video sharing sites.
  7. Print out our Day Against DRM poster (coming next week) and display it at your local library, at your job or school.
  8. Do you use Netflix? Ask Netflix to drop DRM from its own shows, and to support DRM-free streaming.
  9. Buy products and support artists that are speaking out against DRM.
  10. Leave comments on reviews of DRM-infected devices warning people about them.

Previous events

Send us your pictures from previous events —