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We've created this primer to make is easy to organize an event in your community on the International Day Against DRM. By having face-to-face interactions with people in your area, you have the chance to spread the word about DRM.
The guide is specifically oriented towards flyering events because they are fun and easy to organize, but most of it is applicable to other kinds of actions as well. Get a few friends together for a small event, or make a splash with a big one -- it's about spreading the message in whatever way is best for you. For more event ideas, check out the amazing events put on in 2016, 2015, 2014, and 2012. If you aren't able to hold your action exactly on the day, don't let that stop you; DRM affects our lives every day!
If you're considering planning an event, join the the DRM Elimination crew discussion list and introduce yourself. The list is for you to share ideas and coordinate with other activists, and for Day Against DRM global organizers to share special updates with people planning events. Once you know the basics of your event, please add the information to the events page. In the leadup to the Day, we'll send emails pointing to the events page to promote them.

Download the half-page flyer, available in multiple languages.
You'll need:
- People
- Flyers
- A location, date, and time for the action
Sample timeline
Give yourself plenty of time to plan your action. It's possible to carry out an action on a *much* shorter timeline, but we recommend starting at least 2.5 weeks before your event.
- 2.5-3 weeks before the action: Pick a date and time and spot.
- 2-2.5 weeks before the action: Invite friends and members of anti-DRM groups or other interested communities.
- Week of the action: Print flyers and prep any other materials.
- Week of action: Send a final reminder about your invitation to those who have not RSVP'd, as well as a reminder to those who have agreed to attend.
- Internation Day Against DRM: Carry out your action!
- End your action with a social gathering for all involved activists.
Planning and promoting
Pick the date and location sooner rather than later. The more lead time, the more people will come. If you aren't sure where your action will happen, it's still worthwhile to send out a save the date. Once you select your date and meeting place, email us at info@defectivebydesign.org . If you like, we'll send an email to anti-DRM activists in your area promoting your event.
If you're not sure what to say in your invitation, try our sample promotional email below. If you want to reach beyond your immediate friends and family, contact local anti-DRM groups like the LibrePlanet Defective by Design group, any projects to which you contribute, and your coworkers.
Plan a post-action social gathering. This is a good way to get to know other anti-DRM activists, and to end the action on a high note.
Selecting a location for your action
The best flyering spots:
- Have high foot traffic.
- Have passersby that have a reason to care about DRM, like customers at an electronics store or tech industry workers.
- Are easily accessible, particularly by public transportation.
- Are weather-appropriate: shaded if you live in a hot, sunny area, indoors if cold weather or rain is expected.
Possible locations for a flyering action include Best Buy, Windows stores, Apple stores, Walmarts, and malls including any of these stores. Be aware, if you attempt to flyer on private property, like inside a store, security may ask you to leave. It's best to stay outside the store, on the sidewalk or in the hall (if you are in a mall).
Printing flyers
The Defective by Design DRM flyer looks great in black and white or color, and is meant for double-sided printing. Your print run depends on the number of people you expect to participate. For a well-traveled area, we recommend 30-50 flyers per person flyering.
As organizer, your job is to make sure that everyone is comfortable and having a good time. Encourage participants to arrive 15 minutes before the action begins. This will give you the opportunity to distribute materials, give an overview of the location and the action, and let participants practice what they will say to passersby. Brainstorm "stop lines" - quick, compelling statements that will convince people to stop and talk with you. For example, "Does your music have DRM?" or "Do you believe in digital freedom?" It's also more fun to flyer in pairs rather than alone.
Relax and have fun! Some people won't want a flyer, but some will be excited to talk, and you will probably have some great conversations. A flyering event of 30 minutes to an hour is effective.
As the organizer of your event, you should inform all participants about what to do if confronted by a security guard or law enforcement. The safety and comfort of participants, as well as their behavior toward the public, is your responsibility. If anybody involved in the action is asked to leave by security or law enforcement, do so immediately and respectfully and head to another store near by, if possible. Be sure that all participants in the action are informed if the group is changing locations. When you are done, leave any remaining flyers somewhere that people will see them, on a bench or a table - and make sure they won't blow away, if you are outdoors. Finally, be sure to lead the way to the social gathering, or provide directions to anybody who won't be traveling with the group.
Don't forget to take photos of your action and send them to us at info@defectivebydesign.org! We'll post them on our Web site in our wrap-up post for the actions.
Sample promotional email
Title: Want to join me to fight DRM?
Hi friends,
I'm planning a special action on date at time to spread the word about the negative impacts of Digital Restrictions Management for the International Day Against DRM. Day Against DRM (https://dayagainstdrm.org) offers tons of great flyers and other resources for spreading the word about DRM. A freshly updated flyer is here.
Want to join me and hand out some Day Against DRM flyers to shoppers, and then head over to social gathering place for food/drinks? Face-to-face conversations with our neighbors will help get the word out about DRM in a memorable, personal way, augmenting our online conversation and action against DRM.
We'll meet up at location at time, stay until time, and then head to social gathering place.
Please RSVP to let me know you're coming. Hope to see you there!
Your Name Here
Have questions or suggestions for improving this primer? Email us at info@defectivebydesign.org.