#DayAgainstDRM - Stand up against Netflix!
December 4th, 2020
Every year, we organize the International Day Against DRM (IDAD) to mobilize protests collaboration, grassroots activism, and in-person actions against the grave threat of DRM.
This year's annual day in protest of Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) will be on December 4th, 2020, and will focus on streaming services' unjust use of DRM. We need your help to spread that message far and wide to both anti-DRM activists and those simply concerned with how in a world with continued technological advancement, our digital freedoms are increasingly under threat.
How to participate
Join us in sending a clear message about Netflix’s use of DRM by phoning their feedback and support line at 1-865-383-3330. Need help on what to say? Read our sample script below. If you’re not a Netflix subscriber, you can tell them that you never will be one until they get rid of their DRM.
Join us for a BigBlueButton session on Friday at 12 PM EST (17:00 UTC) for an informal chat on the anti-DRM movement, where we’ll talk strategies, share stories, report on activities happening around the globe, and plan for the future.
Post on social media using the hashtag #DayAgainstDRM to let us and others know how you’re celebrating the Day Against DRM. If you’re on social media, keep an eye out, and share, our own posts and those of organizations around the world who are partnering with us, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Framasoft, and La Quadrature du Net.
Living outside the US? Help us update important information about your country so we can direct people around the world to updated resources. Let the DBD campaign know what DRM-related issues need attention in your area and how we can help on the LibrePlanet wiki.
Join us on the Freenode IRC network in the #dbd channel for real-time discussion on anti-DRM activism.
Challenge yourself to go a day (or even longer!) without DRM, and call on your community to join you. You can use our Guide to DRM-free Living as a way to read, watch, and listen to new media without compromising your freedom. While you’re there, you can check out DRM-free media sales from Libreture, Leanpub, and other partnering organizations of this year’s IDAD.
Support our comments for new exemptions to the DMCA anti-circumvention rules by sending your name and state (or country, if you are outside the US) to licensing@fsf.org.
How to contact Netflix
The easiest way to reach the Netflix support line is by dialing 1-865-383-3330. If you’re having trouble reaching that number, you can find a different call center at the bottom of the Netflix Help page.
If you’re outside the US or would like to call directly from the Netflix app, press the “hamburger” button to the left to open your account settings, and select “Call Help Center” towards the bottom of the menu.
Calling will be significantly more effective, so please do that if you are able. If calling is not an option, you can use the Netflix Help page’s “Start Live Chat” button to voice your complaint, even if you’re not a subscriber.
Sample script
Hi! My name is X and I am calling from the Defective by Design campaign at defectivebydesign.org. I’m calling to let you know that I’m unable (or no longer able) to use your streaming video service.
The Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) you impose forces me to give up control of my device, which is an unacceptable compromise of my liberty. Until Netflix provides a way to access the media it offers without the use of DRM, I can’t use it in good conscience, even when it doesn’t cost any money. Netflix should lead the way in providing a streaming video service that is DRM-free.
Follow-up questions
You can keep the conversation going by engaging the representative with one of these follow-up questions:
- Why does Netflix need to use DRM?
As one of the leading media providers in the world, Netflix has the leverage it needs to pave the way as the world’s first major DRM-free video streaming service. Why does it still insist on abusing its subscribers?
- Why does Netflix collect so much information on its users?
Netflix is constantly collecting information on what individual members of a household watch and for how long. Why does it need this information? Is it ever deleted?
- Why does the Netflix Android app enforce DRM?
On Android, Netflix will refuse to install if it detects the phone is rooted or is running an distribution like Replicant. Why does it intentionally restrict its users in this way?
Be sure to thank the support staff for their time.
Had an interesting experience or want to let us know how it went? Report back to us in the #dbd IRC channel on the Freenode network, or send an email to info@defectivebydesign.org. And if you have a variation on our script that you’d like to share with others, use the LibrePlanet wiki to share your tips.
Are you an organization or project interested in supporting IDAD?
We're looking for vendors of DRM-free media, organizations that support the building of a DRM-free world, and those who believe in the mission of DbD to participate by offering sales, writing blog posts, organizing events, and sharing with your members about IDAD. Please contact us at info@defectivebydesign.org for more information.
Together we can build a future without DRM.