DRM - Trash Vista, Not Your Computer

Here at DefectiveByDesign we have been working towards the goal of making Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) a socially unacceptable technology practice. That message is spreading.

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By highlighting the threat DRM posses not just to consumer rights but to our freedom to be in control of our computers and electronic devices, we have been able to gain widespread political support.

Today, an international coalition of environmental and social justice groups have signed a joint statement condemning DRM, specifically the DRM platform known as Microsoft Vista.

The statement from the Green Party, Friends of the Earth International, People and Planet, New Internationalist and the Free Software Foundation can be found at FreeSoftwareFreeSociety.org
Please add your voice and sign it now!

Over at Linux.com Bruce Byfield provides the background story to the statement, interviewing representatives of the Green Party, People and Planet and Friends of the Earth International. Digg This!