Clear your schedule for a worldwide day of action against DRM. On Wednesday, May 4th, we will be taking action to raise the stakes and increase awareness about the threats of Digital Restrictions Management -- in a very significant way!
Awareness is a key part of defeating DRM. Whether protesting outside Apple Stores in Hazmat suits as we have done in years past, handing out leaflets in front of public libraries, or sending direct complaints to senior executives at Sony, action gets attention, and creates space for change.
Please set some time aside in your day on Wednesday to join us for this once-a-year opportunity! We hope you'll work with us against DRM year-round, but coordinating online and physical events on one day amplifies all of our voices.
- Sign-up to our 2011 Day Against DRM mailing list https://crm.fsf.org/civicrm/profile/create?gid=28
- Make plans on the 2011 Day Against DRM wiki page. http://libreplanet.org/wiki/Group:DefectiveByDesign/Day_Against_DRM_2011
Take action!
Add a banner to your site or blog
We've made seven banners for you to choose from, but there are so many talented and creative people involved in the fight against DRM that we ask anyone who wants to make a banner to do so. Add your banners directly to the wiki and show the world!
Run an event
An easy way to run a local event is to draft a letter or a flier, get a few people together, and head on down to your local library, Apple Store, Best Buy, or any other local DRM-provider and hand them out.
For an example, see:
Our Letter to the Boston Public Library:
Our boycott-Sony flier:
If you do write a letter or flier, please add it to wiki!
Write a blog post
Let others know why you oppose DRM, and highlight some examples.
Last year we had a lot of great blog posts! It would be great to see the same this year.
Check-out some of the posts from last year:
Microblog on identi.ca
Spread the news about the Day Against DRM on identi.ca by using the hashtag #NODRM.
Complimentary album from Magnatune.com
If you participate in Day Against DRM, please let us know, and we will gladly give you a gift certificate for a DRM-free album from http://www.magnatune.com. All you have to do is: